2023 Synod Assembly - April 21-22, at the Le Mars Convention Center
Friday evening:
- Opening worship at 6:00 pm
- Land Acknowledgement presented by Mitch McCartney, St Paul Lutheran Church, Missouri Valley and member of Churchwide Council
- Bishop Lorna presented the Synod Assembly theme “A Place for You” around the table
- The Credentials and Elections Committee reported registrations of 191 voters and 17 visitors for a total of 208 attendees
- Rev Dr Troy Troftgruben, Associate Professor of New Testament, Wartburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque, IA, lead a study “Practicing Church in a Divided World” based on his latest book Rooted and Renewing:Imagining the Church’s Future in Light of Its New Testament Origins
- Around the Table Discussions with Western Iowa Synod Staff and Western Iowa Synod Council Executive Committee
- Recognition of 3 church anniversaries and 34 ordination anniversaries
Saturday morning:
- Community breakfast of waffles and sausage was served
- Judy Riemersma, American Lutheran, Melvin IA, led the Litany of Praise for Creation for Earth Day
- Rev Dr Troy Troftgruben lead a study “Practicing What Matters” based on his latest book
- Around the Table Discusion - Ministry Partners
- Secretary Sue Rothmeyer, ELCA Churchwide representative, detailed the many local, national and worldwide projects that are funded by our Mission Support giving ending with a video greeting by Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton
Saturday afternoon:
- Elected 12 persons to synod committee positions*:
- Passed resolutions*:
- #1 2024 Compensation and Care Guidelines
- #2 Adopt the 2023 Revised Budget and the 2024 Proposed Budget
- Defeated resolutions*:
- #3 Western Iowa Synod Assembly date
- #4 Revisions proposed to the Social Statement on Abortion of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
- Assembly offering for Living Faith Lutheran Church, LeMars, totaled $6,537.00
- Pr Steven Smith led the closing worship service
*Resolutions and other reports are available on the Western Iowa Synod website www.wisynod.org. Click on Synod Assembly