The Executive Committee consists of the bishop, vice president,secretary, treasurer, and four members elected by the Synod Council from among the membership of the Synod Council. The Executive Committee counsels the synod officers and performs those functions assigned to it by the Synod Council. It assists the Synod Council in the operational function of the synod, especially during the periods between Synod Council meetings.The Executive Committee will:

  • prepare business for and make recommendations to the Synod Council
  • establish the agenda for the Synod Council
  • counsel and assist the bishop in planning, promoting, and coordinating the activities of the synod
  • perform an annual evaluation of the bishop
  • prepare a recommendation of staff salaries for Council approval
  • act on roster and personnel matters following policies established by the Synod Council
  • approve letters of call to non-congregational service, and non-stipendiary service,except when the call is for a synod staff position
  • make year-end financial decisions
  • perform other such functions as are set forth in the bylaws of the synod or of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, or as may be delegated to it by the Synod Council.
Committee Members

Bishop Lorna Halaas -
Tracy Gayer - Vice President -
Dagna Simmons - Secretary -
Tiffany Messerlie - Treasurer -

Travis Brincks -

Rev. Joy Gonnerman -
Julie Sievers -

Rev. Anna Wolf –